General What is your background in English?


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Hi everyone
In this thread you can introduce yourself and tell us a bit about how you got to know English.
I will start-
I was born Israeli but at the age of 6 my family moved to Toronto and we lived there for 10 years.....
So I got to learn there from 1st grade until 10th....


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Well, I have some background in English from my extended family
but my main knowledge i got at school
and by myself, through reading and listening

I keep investing in learning the languege all the time
Maby this forum is going to be one of the ways to do that..

Thanks @RacheliArt:)


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.Thanks for the new forum
I grew up in an English-speaking family, but I did not learn to read and write in English. That's why I speak basic English not bad but read and write very poorly

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Ok my turn :)
So I grew up in the US and moved to Israel in my late teens.
I went to a Hebrew-speaking school for a bit and married an Israeli and therefore my Hebrew is almost great.
I work in a tax office that requires fluency in both languages, which is useful because sometimes the language part of the brain of some people who move to Israel gets all mixed up. It's good to have a place to speak and practice both languages.​
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I was born in the USA,
My parents immigrated to Israel when I was 5 years old
..I Speak good English, and reads a little less well

Trying to figure out what this forum is for...

I don't even find the option of aligning a paragraph from left to right.

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משתמש סופר מקצוען
מנוי פרימיום
מוזיקה ונגינה
יוצרי ai
I don't even find the option of aligning a paragraph from left to right.


משתמש צעיר
It's good to have a place to speak and practice both languages.​
very good!
my story:
i was born in Israel ,
only my grandfather is american, but my grandparents are living in USA
(they moved after my parents got married- so my father is a real Israeli )
:)thats good because we are going to visit them
so my English is from school and from living a month in us
I hope I’ll improve my english to be more fluent and rich
thank you!
(I’ll be happy to get corrections )
as i think, my english is good- not like real americans​

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