Question shidduchim-here, and there


צוות הנהלה
מנוי פרימיום
איור וציור מקצועי
צילום מקצועי
Looks like there is a shidduch crisis all over the world
seems to me like it might be harder to get engaged for Americans-am I right?
Lakewood boys don't want "out of town"...and start dating at 22-23 while here the litvish boys begin at 21.
What do you think?

אם הבנים שמחה!

משתמש מקצוען
I haven't deal with shidduchim in America recently so I can't comment, but I don't think the financial side of it has as much weight there as it does here. Often a girl whose family can't commit to giving at least X amount of money will have a very hard time getting dates, while in the US I don't think finances are even discussed before the couple meets. (I may be wrong on that though.)


צוות הנהלה
מנוי פרימיום
איור וציור מקצועי
צילום מקצועי
I haven't deal with shidduchim in America recently so I can't comment, but I don't think the financial side of it has as much weight there as it does here. Often a girl whose family can't commit to giving at least X amount of money will have a very hard time getting dates, while in the US I don't think finances are even discussed before the couple meets. (I may be wrong on that though.)
they ask for "support". not for money for housing


משתמש סופר מקצוען
הנדסת תוכנה
did you want to only discuss the crisis or to also try making few?
Im looking for a european/english boy for a gorgeous girl I know.


צוות הנהלה
מנוי פרימיום
איור וציור מקצועי
צילום מקצועי
I know only Israelis....


משתמש סופר מקצוען
כתיבה ספרותית
עריכה תורנית
Looks like there is a shidduch crisis all over the world
seems to me like it might be harder to get engaged for Americans-am I right?
Lakewood boys don't want "out of town"...and start dating at 22-23 while here the litvish boys begin at 21.
What do you think?
As far as I understand, the primary reason is indeed the age gap, as you mentioned. In fact, the age difference is even greater than you indicated. On average, American Yeshiva guys start dating around 24, while girls usually begin around 19-20. This creates a surplus of girls seeking Shidduchim compared to boys, primarily due to the higher number of 20-year-old girls than 24-year-old boys, influenced by birth inflation. This is why many Rabbanim encourage guys to marry before they go to EY, though unfortunately they aren't very successful with that...

The other reason you mentioned, concerning dating “out of town” versus “in town,” is likely less significant and might not even play a role at all. In reality, it makes sense that an “in town” guy might not be the best match for an “out of town” girl, and vice versa.

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